Fullstack Developer

Hi, i'm Kristi Tanellari

I help create a captivating online presence for your brand that showcases your unique personality, connects with your audience, and drives business growth!



kristi tanellari's profile picture


I take a tailored approach to every project, ensuring that the website reflects your brand's identity, resonates with your target audience, and achieves your specific objectives. I value open communication and collaboration throughout the development process to deliver a final product that exceeds your expectations. P.S. I get a genuine satisfaction from helping people visualize their dreams whether it's for their business, personal projects or whatever it might be, so i will go above and beyond to make sure you get what you pay for.

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What i do

E-commerce solutions

Develop online stores on various platforms including ( Shopify, WordPress, Custom Laravel stores etc. ). Payment gateway integration and inventory management systems.

CRM integration

Customer Relationship Management systems. Implement and customize CRM systems like Hubspot and Salesforce.

Digital marketing services

Digital marketing including but not limited to SEO: Search engine optimization, PPC: Pay per click advertising like Google ads and things of that nature, Content marketing: I will use the latest studies and tools to have your blog post or whatever content you'd like to cater to the human behavior resulting in more powerful and optimized content, Email marketing: Design and manage email marketing campaigns.

Analytics and reporting

Website analytics: Set up and manage Google analytics or other platforms and tracking tools you'd like to use to understand your website's behavior and how it impacts it's users. Performance reporting: Provide detailed reports on the website and marketing campaign performance.

API integration

Third-party services for Laravel websites: Integrate third-party services and API into existing systems.

Web hosting and maintenance

Web hosting services: Provide reliable hosting solutions. Website maintenance: Regular updates, security checks and other promotional materials.

Custom software development

Develop custom websites, admin panels, payment systems, etc. based on customer needs.


Digital Strategy Consulting: Advise businesses on their overall digital strategy.



Everything Hair Salon

Fullstack Develper

Successfully created and maintained a simple and effective WordPress website for the client, enhancing their online presence. Demonstrated ability to fulfill client requests by delivering a straightforward and uncomplicated website solution that met all expectations.

Between March 2016 and May 2017


Deas Painting

Fullstack Develper

As the sole developer behind Deas Painting, a dynamic web app crafted for optimal user experience, security, and efficiency, I specialize in cutting-edge technologies like Laravel 10, Livewire 3, and Tailwind. The app boasts advanced features, including a sleek appointment system, SEO optimization, live chat, and email notifications. Leveraging Laravel Jetstream, I implemented robust team support, two-factor authentication, browser session control, and API integration, ensuring enhanced security and seamless functionality. My tech enhancements include Laravel Jetstream for advanced security, Laravel Forge for efficient deployment, and hosting on DigitalOcean for reliability. Plus, I added image upload to Amazon S3 and a dark/light mode switch for user customization. My commitment extends beyond initial development, fostering ongoing innovation in user experience and security measures.

Started in December 2023 and currently working here.


Everything Hair Salon

Fullstack Develper

As the mastermind behind Everything Hair Salon's digital groove, I've jazzed up the online vibe with Laravel 10, Livewire 3, and Tailwind. No more mundane WordPress – we're all about fresh cuts and cool tech. Check this: I've fine-tuned the booking system, cranked up SEO for online stardom, and added a real-time chat feature. Emails? Sorted. Team support? Thanks, Laravel Jetstream. Security? You got it – two-factor magic, smooth sessions, and API wizardry, all Jetstream specials. Dashboards? Locked, loaded, and custom-fit with role-based access. Plus, a snazzy gallery showcasing the salon's creative flair. Under the hood, it's Laravel Jetstream for security, Laravel Forge for smooth sailing, and DigitalOcean as our trusty anchor. But wait, there's more – tossed in image magic to Amazon S3, and a dark/light mode switch for those vibes. My commitment? It doesn't clock out at development. I'm on a mission to keep Everything Hair Salon on the cutting edge of style and tech

Started in January 2024 and currently working here.



Ecommerce Store

I'm the brains and heart behind SS VARKA, crafting a digital haven where animal prints meet good vibes. Partnering with Teespring's cool cats, I ensured our prints landed on threads so comfy you won't want to part with them. From tees to hoodies, we're all about that snug life. I dived into artsy adventures, designing prints from cats to dogs, each a chuckle-worthy work of art. Navigating the online spot I created is a breeze – no fuss, just click and you're set. SS VARKA isn't just tees; it's a mood with hoodies, sweatshirts, reflecting your style. Quality is non-negotiable; each piece isn't just hilarious but feels as good as it looks. SS VARKA is more than a store; it's a vibe – laid back, playful, and all about humor in your everyday style. So, that's the story – a casual corner where fashion meets fun. Dive in, check out the prints, and let's keep it casual, cool, and seriously funny, one animal print at a time!

Between July 2023 and January 2024


Muscleflow Apparel

Muscleflow Apparel

Dedicated and skilled E-commerce Developer specializing in harnessing the full potential of Shopify for creating seamless online retail experiences. Played a pivotal role in establishing and optimizing the Muscle Flow Apparel website, capitalizing on the robust features offered by Shopify.

Started in March 2024 and currently working here.



This is a simple project showing data through charts. You can use this to visualize data on your admin panel or wherever you might need to. This particular project uses chart.js and laravel livewire

Laravel Blog

This is a simple laravel blog.This project is built with laravel 9,alpine.js and tailwind css.

Portfolio Website

This is a modest CMS created for developers worldwide to display their professional skills. Although it may not be the flashiest personal website you've come across, it is straightforward and efficient. This app utilizes the powerful laravel jetstream with the livewire stack.

Witty Workflow

As the brain behind Witty Workflow, an open-source gem born in October 2023, I set out to redefine business workflow management. Fueled by Laravel 10, Livewire 3, and Tailwind, Witty Workflow seamlessly integrates advanced features like two-factor authentication, API magic, and Teams management from Laravel Jetstream. Picture a robust appointment system, top-notch SEO strategies, a live chat buzz, and email notifications for appointments. Security is tight with two-factor mojo, browser control, and API wizardry. Throw in role-based access, a chic image gallery, and tech boosts like Laravel Forge deployment, DigitalOcean hosting, and Amazon S3 storage. Top it off with a customizable dark/light mode switch for that slick user experience. Witty Workflow mirrors my passion for cutting-edge tech, offering a user-centric and feature-packed open-source journey. Dive into the action at wittyworkflow.com for a live demo!




Graduates of this Nanodegree program will be able to construct responsive websites using CSS, Flexbox and CSS Grid, develop interactive websites and UI (User Interface) applications using JavaScript and HTML, and connect a web application to backend server data using JavaScript. Students will also build competency automating application build and deployment using Webpack and improving offline performance of websites using Service Worker.

Started in December 2018. This certificate does not expire.


PHP And MySQL Certified

Master PHP & MySQL fundamentals for successful development.

Started in May 2010. This certificate does not expire.


Bachelor's Degree in

Information And Communication Technology

in Albania
Between October 2010 and June 2016

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